language management wordpress

WPML versus qTranslateX – a Clear Winner?

All over the world people use multilingual websites so they can get information they want in the language they prefer. Closer to home, in Wales, a large minority of web users prefer to access content in Welsh. For this reason, many businesses and organizations in Wales provide bilingual websites giving their visitors the choice to read Welsh or English.

When building a bilingual website there are different approaches to consider depending on what the project needs.


Gettext: Images and Flash

Translating image replaced text

If you use CSS to replace your header text with a text based graphic remember these need translating too. By using gettext to change the lang attribute of the xhtml tag, you can then use CSS to change element background images. This gives added flexibility to wordpress plugins like polyglot and language switcher.


A Bilingual blog

Making a blog bilingual is relatively straightforward. There are a variety of plugins available which allow you to provide your blog in two or more languages.